Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy

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by Paul S. Graham

In this video, co-authors Yves Engler and Owen Schalk discuss their most recent book, one which reveals Canada’s foreign policy to be profoundly antidemocratic and in service to imperial and corporate interests. In their book, Schalk and Engler describe and analyze Canada’s role in the overthrow of twenty democratically elected governments between 1953 and the present day.

Yves Engler is a Montréal-based activist and author who has published 12 books and is a columnist for Canadian Dimension. In recent years Yves has sought to mobilize activists to confront politicians through peaceful, direct action. He has interrupted about two dozen speeches/press conferences by the prime minister, ministers and opposition party leaders to question their militarism, anti-Palestinian positions, climate policies, imperialism in Haiti and efforts to topple Venezuela’s government.

Owen Schalk is a writer from rural Manitoba. In addition to co-authoring Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy, he is a columnist for Canadian Dimension magazine and the author of Canada in Afghanistan: A story of military, diplomatic, political and media failure, 2003-2023. He is currently working on his third book, which details Canada’s role in the 2011 NATO war on Libya.

This discussion was sponsored by Peace Alliance Winnipeg with support from CKUW-FM and the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association. It took place in The Hive at the University of Winnipeg on June 20, 2024.

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