G20: Growing Movement in Defence of Democratic Rights

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Two activists kiss while protesting in front of a line of riot police during the G20 Summit in Toronto on June 26. (Darren Calabrese/Canadian Press)

By Peace Alliance Winnipeg, July 7, 2010

Over 900 people — including journalists from both mainstream and smaller media — were arrested during the G20 Summit in Ontario. In fact by Sunday June 20 many of the actions taking place in downtown Toronto were directed against the arbitrary actions of the police to detain protestors.

In the aftermath demands immediately surfaced for a full inquiry into the actions of the police and the Ontario and Federal Governments in connection with the arrests, the conditions of the detention centre and the actions of the police to suppress protests which were peaceful.

On Monday, June 21 over 1,000 people gathered outside police headquarters in downtown Toronto as unions, community activists and prominent personalities gathered to demand answers to what had occurred during the Summit. It was already known that the powers the Toronto Chief of Police Bill Blair claimed the police were given to investigate and arrest under the Public Works Protection Act was not the case.

Since then there have been actions in Montreal, Winnipeg and Edmonton to demand an inquiry.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian Federation of Students and the Toronto Call have all issued petitions which can be signed on line.

The Executive of the Peace Alliance Winnipeg has contacted all three groups to indicate its support.

The addresses are as follows:

Please show your support.

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