Oct. 25, 2014: Members of Peace Alliance Winnipeg distributed leaflets calling for an end to Canadian military intervention in Iraq and Syria. Photo: Paul S. Graham
On Saturday, Oct. 25th, Peace Alliance Winnipeg held an information picket at the intersection of Osborne Street and River Avenue to call for an end to Canada’s bombing mission in Iraq and Syria. In doing so, PAW was joining with peace activists in several other Canadian cities who planned actions for the weekend of October 25th and 26th.
In the leaflet (Don’t Attack Iraq 2014 10 25) we distributed, PAW called for:
- The immediate end of Canadian participation in this new aggression coalition which has been set up for the strategic interests of the US empire and its allies;
- A freeze on all major procurement projects of the Canadian military;
The organization of a broad public debate on Canadian foreign policy, the role of the army, the military industry and the arms trade; - That the Canadian government immediately cease deportation proceedings against U.S. Iraq war resisters and create, once and for all, a provision that would allow them to remain in Canada.
Speakers at the picket included:
- Glenn Michalchuk, Chair of Peace Alliance Winnipeg
- US Iraq war resister Joshua Key
- Darrell Rankin of the Manitoba Peace Council
- Josh Sigurdson of Winnipeg Alternative Media
Here is a video report of their remarks.