Author: admin

Obama’s “War on Terror”

by Stephen Lendman, Global Research, February 10, 2009 The language is softened and deceptive. The strategy and tactics are not. The “war on terror” continues. Promised change is talk, not policy. Just look at Obama’s “war cabinet,” discussed in an…

Guantanamo on the Brink

Death Looms for Inmates Amid Hunger Strikes and Beatings by Mark Townsend and Paul Harris, Independent UK. Posted on Alternet, February 9, 2009. Lieutenant-Colonel Yvonne Bradley, an American military lawyer, will step through the grand entrance of the Foreign and…

Update: Iraq War Resisters in Canada

The Harper government continues to defy the will of Parliament by continuing to sanction the deportation of war resisters. Worse, new Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has stated “they are not genuine refugees and do not fall under internationally…

Fusion: A Benefit for War Affected Children

FUSION is an event that will raise money and awareness for war affected children in Northern Uganda. Enjoy performances by Sierra Noble, The Shouting Ground, magician Chris Funk, WHY and live African drums and dance. Visit artisan tables and buy…