Author: admin

“War is the crime of our times.”

Despite the Threat of Harsh Punishment, Soldier Says “No” to Deployment in Afghanistan By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet, October 23, 2008 “I believe war is the crime of our times,” Blake Ivey, a specialist in the U.S. Army, said over the…

Parwez Kambakhsh sentenced to 20 years

by AMIR SHAH, Associated Press, Oct. 21, 2008 KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan appeals court overturned a death sentence for a journalism student accused of blasphemy and instead sentenced him Tuesday to 20 years in prison. The death sentence against…

Peace for Child Soldiers

More than 250,000 children around the world are carrying weapons as members of the armed forces or militia, says one of Canada’s leading peace activists and crusaders against the use of child soldiers. Peace activist Dr. Ken Eyre will present…

4 Directions Walk Against Poverty

Four Walks will meet at the Manitoba Legislature on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. We call on everyone who supports justice to participate! Walk, Rally and enjoy the Harvest potluck! Bring everyone you know – phone everyone!…

Afghan war is unwinnable

By Gwynne Dyer The Japan Times, Oct. 13, 2008 The main purpose of British generals, it sometimes seems, is to say aloud the things that American generals (and British diplomats) think privately but dare not say in public. Things like:…