Author: admin

War in the Caucasus

Ossetian women and children escaping from South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali under the heavy fire of Georgian army War in the Caucasus: Towards a Broader Russia-US Military Confrontation? by Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, March 10, 2008 During the night of August…

Help bring Omar Khadr home

Peace Alliance Winnipeg is a signatory to a letter prepared by Lawyers Against the War demanding the immediate repatriation of Omar Khadr. The message below summarizes the position of over 200  individuals and groups representing thousands of Canadians and some…

Lanterns for Peace 2008

About 80 people participated in Winnipeg’s annual Lanterns for Peace commemoration of the 1945 U.S. nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The event was organized by Project Peacemakers, the National Association of Japanese Canadians and Peace Alliance Winnipeg. Here are…

The People v. The Bomb

In a World Opinion Forum TV, DVD and Google Video special from the United Nations, Kevin Sanders reports on world reaction to the failure of the last Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), described as the most important…

Hiroshima Day Peace Declaration

Another August 6, and the horrors of 63 years ago arise undiminished in the minds of our hibakusha, whose average age now exceeds 75. “Water, please!” “Help me!””Mommy!” ― On this day, we, too, etch in our hearts the voices,…

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Endangered

Nuking the Treaty Iran is the least of the world’s offenders against non-proliferation. By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 28th July 2008 What is the Iranian government up to? For once the imperial coalition, overstretched in Iraq and unpopular…

Repatriate Omar Khadr

Omar Khadr has been detained without trial in Guantanamo Bay since he captured by the U.S. military in Afghanistan in 2002. At the time of his capture he was 15 years old. Omar Khadr is the youngest detainee and the…

Hiroshima Peace Day Lanterns For Peace

Above is an artist’s depiction of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome or A-Bomb Dome), the only structure left standing in the area where the atomic bomb exploded. It has been preserved in the same state as immediately after the…