Author: admin

Winnipeg Peace & Justice Festival

Please join us at Winnipeg Peace and Justice Festival – Saturday, June 14, 2014. The objective of the Winnipeg Peace and Justice Festival is to promote a culture of justice and peace at home and around the world. This celebration…

Many Voices, One World

Jamie Oliviero and Shawn Kettner work with children in Winnipeg schools to create art and stories about peace and peacemaking. Their project is called Many Voices, One World, one which has been supported in part by Project Peacemakers. They described…

Peace Alliance Winnipeg Monthly Meeting

Location: Project Peacemakers Office, 2nd Floor, Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Avenue (2nd entrance west of Maryland St.) Peace Alliance Winnipeg meets the second Tuesday of each month to plan its activities. The main agenda item is planning the annual…

Israeli Apartheid Week (Winnipeg)

FEATURING KEYNOTE SPEAKER: JOHN GREYSON Award-winning Canadian filmmaker, professor, artist and activist John Greyson recounts his and Dr. Tarek Loubani’s imprisonment in Egypt, which captured international attention in the summer/fall of 2013. Greyson was arrested on his way to the…

Peace Alliance Winnipeg Monthly Meeting

Location: Project Peacemakers Office, 2nd Floor, Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Avenue (2nd entrance west of Maryland St.) Peace Alliance Winnipeg meets the second Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise announced. All are welcome.

Video: Peace Alliance Winnipeg Year in Review

by Glenn Michalchuk, Chair, Peace Alliance Winnipeg In 2013 Peace Alliance Winnipeg further developed its capacity as an organization dealing with the issue of peace. Peace, however, is not something in the abstract; rather it is very closely linked to…

Canadian Peace Alliance Convention Report

By Mary Robinson The opening session on Friday evening asked, “What would you do with $490 billion? “ and offered hope for alternatives to war, militarism and austerity, from Idle No more, (Crystal Sinclair), CUPW, (Donald LaFleur) CPA (Kim Kerridge)…