by Glenn Michalchuk February 15, 2003 marks the tenth anniversary of the largest protest in human history. As the war clouds gathered over Iraq, millions responded globally to a call for demonstrations against the impending war. The average of all…
Author: admin
Panel Discussion: Idle No More
Location: Carol Shields Auditorium, Millennium Library, Donald Street and Graham Ave The Idle No Movement has changed this country. It has shaken the political establishment and challenged Canadians to look at Canada with a new vision. Project Peacemakers and Peace…
France in Mali ‘for the long haul’
The ethics of humanitarian intervention: Mali and Haiti as test cases
Location: University College, Concourse Lounge, University of Manitoba Speaker: Roger Annis, Co-ordinator, Canada Haiti Action Network Sponsors: Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics and the Mauro Centre for Peace and Justice
The invasion of Africa
Panel Discussion: Idle No More
Location: Carol Shields Auditorium in the Millennium Library, Graham Avenue & Donald Street The Idle No Movement has changed this country. It has shaken the political establishment and challenged Canadians to look at Canada with a new vision. Project Peacemakers…
Sodastream Information Picket
Location: The Bay (Vaughn Street & Portage Avenue) Sodastream is a major target of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement due to their presence in the Occupied Territory; you can find out more information about the company here. WCAIA has…
Peace Alliance Winnipeg Monthly Meeting
Location: Project Peacemakers Office, 2nd Floor, Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Avenue (2nd entrance west of Maryland St.) Peace Alliance Winnipeg meets monthly to plan our activities. Everyone is welcome.
Stop the war on Mali
By the Canadian Peace Alliance Jan. 15, 2013 The Government of Canada has recently announced that it is sending a CF-17 transport plane to northern Mali to add to the military buildup by the NATO powers in the area. The…