Author: admin

Vigil for Canada (Winnipeg)

Location: York Ave @ Main St, on York across from Earl’s (sidewalk) A candlelight vigil instead of fireworks to mark Canada Day, 2012 10:30 pm – start gathering 11:00 pm – candle lighting coincides with fireworks at the Forks. Once…

Winnipeg Peace & Justice Fest 2012

Despite the inclement weather, the 2012 Winnipeg Peace & Justice Festival & Walk attracted around 200 people to Vimy Ridge Park on Saturday, June 16. Festival goers were entertained by Sara Kreindler, Pedalling for Papua Jeremy Bally, Artwell, Burnt Project…

Bill C-38 Dialogue Event

Location: The University of Winnipeg, Room 2M70 (515 Portage Ave) Federal Bill C-38 proposes widespread, substantial changes to natural resource management in Canada. What specific issues and projects in Manitoba and Canada may be affected? How does this Bill affect…

Information Picket: Manitobans Against Bill C-38

Location: Joyce Bateman’s Constituency Office, 611 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg Stephen Harper’s Bill C-38 continues to generate controversy and opposition across Canada. In Winnipeg, a group of citizens have joined Lead Now’s “13 Heroes” campaign that is aimed at convincing enough…

Ahmadinejad misquoted to promote fear of Iran

By Global Research The inflammatory statement that Israel should be “wiped off the map” attributed to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad “was never made” by him, a distinguished Canadian economist says. in a recently released book entitled: Towards A World War III…