Author: admin

Toy Store Inspection

Location: Project Peacemakers Office, 2nd Floor, Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Avenue (2nd entrance west of Maryland St.) After a one-year hiatus, the Toy Store Inspection is back up and running this year. Project Peacemakers encourages all, young and not…

Human rights & the NAFTA

Location: The Club Room, Fort Garry Hotel, 222 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg The University of Manitoba Global Political Economy Program and the Faculty of Arts present A Free Public Lecture by Dr. Diane Elson, Professor, Centre for Research in Economic Sociology,…

Occupy Winnipeg for Peace

About 400 Winnipeggers marched from the Manitoba Legislature to the Toronto Dominion building (Portage and Notre Dame) Saturday to add their voices to the international outcry against corporate greed. Peace Alliance Winnipeg was a part of this, as were many…

Charles Taylor: Solidarity and Diversity in a Secular Age

Location: Eckhardt-Grammate Hall, The University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba Mouseland Press Inc., The Uniter and The Knowles-Woodsworth Centre for Theology and Public Policy present: Charles Taylor, “Managing Belief and Unbelief in the Public Square.” Globally renowned Canadian…

Cuba for Haiti

Location: Mondragon Book Store and Coffee House, 91 Albert Street, Winnipeg Cuban Doctor on Canada Wide Tour to Speak on Cuba’s Humanitarian Medical Mission From October 13 to November 6, 2011 Dr. Jorge Tomas Balseiro Estevez, a member of Cuba’s…

4 Directions Walk – End Poverty

Location: Manitoba Legislature. Walk or attend the rally! – Bring everyone you know! – Discuss Manitoba’s Justice Charter to Eradicate Poverty. Attend the rally or join a walk: East St. Mary’s & Perimeter, 10:30 a.m. Or join up at: St.…

Occupy Winnipeg

Location: Manitoba Legislative Building, Winnipeg By now, everyone has heard of Occupy Wall Street, where thousands have gathered in the heart of New York’s financial district to peacefully protest economic and social injustice. OWS is being replicated in numerous other…