Author: admin

Oppose secret trials in Canada

By Sophie Lamarche Harkat Please sign the statement against Secret Trials in Canada (Security Certificates) at Security certificates allow for the detention of refugees and immigrants without charge or access to the evidence. My husband Mohamed Harkat – Moe to…

Winnipeg Radical Bookfair & DIY Fest

    Location: 91 Albert Street, Winnipeg There will be a radical bookfair and DIY fest held in Winnipeg on September 23-25, 2011. All are welcome! Buy and sell books and zines, attend and put on workshops, table with cool…

The destruction of Libya

Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Sept. 20, 2011 There is no tomorrow” under a NATO sponsored Al Qaeda rebellion. While a “pro-democracy” rebel government has…

Amira Hass: Palestine / Israel: Fear of the Future

Location: Room 4M31, Manitoba Hall, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg Admission: $15 non-students , $10 students (with ID). Seating is limited, so purchase your ticket early to avoid disappointment. Those purchasing tickets online will have reserved seating in the…

Stop the new Canadian militarism

By the Canadian Peace Alliance Stephen Harper wants to militarize Canada. Under the Conservatives, military spending has reached its highest levels since World War II. There are now plans to expand Canadian military bases around the world. And the military…