Author: admin

End Canada’s bombing of Libya!

By the Canadian Peace Alliance This September, the 3-month extension of Canada’s military role in Libya passed through Parliament will expire. When the NATO bombing of Libya began, Stephen Harper assured the public that the operation would drive Gaddafi from…

Vigil for Harvey Sanderson

Location: Manitoba Legislative Building   You are invited to a vigil in memory of Harvey Sanderson and persons with disabilities who are victims of violence. More information: Manitoba League for Persons with Disabilities, 943-6099

Winnipeg Chalk 4 Peace 2011

Location: Vimy Ridge Park Rain Date: September 11, 2011 Free performances throughout the day from a variety of local acts. Musicians Bands start @ 2:00pm. Drum jam @ 6:00pm. JohNNy SiZZle Bobby Stahr Johnny Broadway (more TBA) “Chalk4Peace” is a…

Hiroshima Peace Declaration 2011

By Matsui Kazumi, Mayor, Hiroshima, Aug. 6, 2011 Sixty-six years ago, despite the war, the people of Hiroshima were leading fairly normal lives. Until that fateful moment, many families were enjoying life together right here in what is now Peace…

Winnipeg Lanterns for Peace 2011

By Paul S. Graham, Aug. 4, 2011 On Monday, August 6, 1945, at 8:15 a.m., the nuclear bomb “Little Boy” was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan by an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay. An estimated 130,000 people were killed. On…

Stand on guard for creeping militarism

By Michael Fellman, The Tyee, July 28, 2011 On April 15, Jason Kenny fully scripted a commanding role for military to play during citizenship ceremonies. The veteran, preferably from the Afghanistan War, to be introduced at the start of the…

Afghanistan: Canada’s war continues

By the Canadian Peace Alliance If you had to rely on mainstream media reports or the latest government press release, you would think that Canada had completely left Afghanistan. Most discussions about Canada’s mission focus exclusively on whether the combat…

Somalia: the real causes of famine

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, July 21, 2011 For the last twenty years, Somalia has been entangled in a “civil war” amidst the destruction of both its rural and urban economies. The country is now facing widespread famine. According to reports,…