Author: admin

The Body Baggers of Iraq

By Chris Hedges, Truthdig, March 21, 2011 Jess Goodell enlisted in the Marines immediately after she graduated from high school in 2001. She volunteered three years later to serve in the Marine Corps’ first officially declared Mortuary Affairs unit, at…

What US Air Power Actually Does

By Tom Engelhardt, Counterpunch, March 17, 2011 When men first made war in the air, the imagery that accompanied them was of knights jousting in the sky. Just check out movies like Wings, which won the first Oscar for Best…

International Day of Action for Libya

Location: Manitoba Legislature This is a day of solidarity with the Libyan people. The organizers are calling out to governments worldwide to recognize the Libyan plight and ACT!!!! -The recognition of the Libyan Transitional National Council as the de facto…

Israeli Apartheid 101

By Paul S. Graham It’s Israeli Apartheid Week in Winnipeg, Canada and many other cities and towns around the world. In Winnipeg, Israeli Apartheid Week 2011 is taking place on the campuses of the University of Manitoba and the University…