By Chris Hedges, Truthdig, March 21, 2011 Jess Goodell enlisted in the Marines immediately after she graduated from high school in 2001. She volunteered three years later to serve in the Marine Corps’ first officially declared Mortuary Affairs unit, at…
Author: admin
“One day it could be you.” – The persecution of Mohamed Harkat
What US Air Power Actually Does
International Day of Action for Libya
Location: Manitoba Legislature This is a day of solidarity with the Libyan people. The organizers are calling out to governments worldwide to recognize the Libyan plight and ACT!!!! -The recognition of the Libyan Transitional National Council as the de facto…
Israeli Apartheid 101
Join Abousfian Abdelrazik’s campaign for justice against blacklisting!
Take action: March 14 to 25th by Project Fly Home Profiled, put under intrusive surveillance, imprisoned, tortured, exiled, and blacklisted – Abousfian Abdelrazik’s story reads like a catalogue of the repressive tools of the Orwellian “war on terror.” And he…
Video: How Canada lost its bid for a UN Security Council seat
Speaking at a forum, Jan. 23, 2011, sponsored by Peace Alliance Winnipeg and Project Peacemakers, author/activist Yves Engler explores Stephen Harper’s foreign policy and how it cost Canada its bid, in 2010, for a seat on the United Nations Security…
Noon Hour With Partners in Health: Healthcare in Post-earthquake Haiti
Location: Faculty of Medicine (enter through Brodie Center), 727 McDermott Ave, Theatre B With: Donna Barry, Director of Advocacy and Policy for Partners in Health Sponsors: U of M Faculty of Medicine and Winnipeg-Haiti Solidarity Group Admission: Free Donna Barry…
An Evening With Partners in Health: Healthcare in Post-earthquake Haiti
Location: University of Manitoba, Multi-Purpose Room, University Center, 2nd Floor Speaker: Donna Barry, Director of Advocacy and Policy for Partners in Health Sponsors: U of M Faculty of Medicine; U of M Faculty of Nursing; U of M Students Union;…
Amnesty Presents: Human Rights in Ethiopia and Eritrea
Location: University of Winnipeg, Room 1L04 (first door to your right from the Ellice entrance). Admission: Free Speakers from the Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners and the Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group of Manitoba will discuss torture, political killings and…