Statement Against Security Certificates We, the undersigned, have grave concerns regarding the continued use of sections 9, 76-87 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which allow for the imprisonment in Canada of refugees and permanent residents under the authority…
Author: admin
The not so great Islamist menace
By Dan Gardner, Ottawa Citizen, Jan. 5, 2011 If someone mentioned terrorism in Europe, you would probably have an idea about the size of the threat and who’s responsible. It’s big, you would think. And growing. As for who’s responsible,…
Even lost wars make corporations rich
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig, Jan. 10, 2011 Power does not rest with the electorate. It does not reside with either of the two major political parties. It is not represented by the press. It is not arbitrated by a judiciary…
“Let them stay” rally at Vic Toews’ office
Let them stay! Stop deporting U.S. war resisters from Canada! You are invited to help an important humanitarian and social justice cause and to help restore Canada’s tarnished international image. Where: Hon. Vic Toews’ consitituency office, 8-227 Main Street, Steinbach,…
Manitoba MLAs urged to allow free debate on Israeli apartheid
By Paul S. Graham Last April, the Manitoba Legislature debated a resolution calling on the provincial government to “denounce Israeli Apartheid Week as divisive, promoting intolerance and undermining a balanced debate of the Israeli-Palestinian question.” The resolution was never put…
Banning Israel anti-apartheid weeks at universities: a reply to David Matas, Senior Legal Counsel, B’nai Brith
By Howard S. Davidson “If this bloc of millions of Palestinians cannot vote, that will be an apartheid state.” Ehud Barak, Israel’s Minister of Defence, February 2010 “There is no apartheid in Israel,” writes David Matas, senior legal counsel for…
Public Forum: Examining the Continuing Disaster in Haiti
Where: the Rudolph Rocker Cultural Center, 91 Albert St, 3rd Floor. Admission: Free A year after the earthquake in Haiti, the country faces many challenges that are socially imposed. From the ongoing UN occupation and the emergence of cholera, to…
New Year to mark intensification of West’s war in Afghanistan and Pakistan
by Rick Rozoff, Global Research, Jan. 1, 2011 No stranger to armed conflicts over the past 70 years, the United States has completed its first decade of continuous warfare: 2001-2010. On January 1 the U.S. and its allies in the…
Gazan youth issue manifesto to vent their anger with all sides
By Ana Carbajosa, The Observer/Guardian, Jan. 2, 2011 An anonymous group of students has created a document to express their frustration born of Hamas’s violent crackdowns on ‘western decadence’, the destruction wreaked by Israel’s attacks and the political games played…
Canadian Boat to Gaza campaign is legal, ethical, and necessary
By David Heap and Derrick O’Keefe,, Dec. 31, 2010 The Canadian Boat to Gaza initiative continues to be a target for a smear campaign that has little regard for law or facts. Rather incredibly, the executive of the University…