Author: admin

Fake Anti-War Activism

By Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Nov. 4, 2010 Some of America’s wars are condemned outright, while others are heralded as “humanitarian interventions”. A significant segment of the US antiwar movement condemns the war but endorses the campaign against international terrorism,…

Manitoba’s connection to Israeli Apartheid

Oct. 14, 2010: The Royal Winnipeg Ballet performed inTel Aviv. RWB Dancers, RWB Senior Ballet Master Johnny Chang, Minister David Chomiak, Minister Christine Melnick & Premier Greg Selinger backstage during intermission on opening night. Photo: Tim Fennel, RWB By Yves Engler…

Peace Alliance Winnipeg Winter House Concert

Dan Frechette will perform at Peace Alliance Winnipeg’s Winter House Concert. When: Sat., Dec. 4, 2010 (arrive at 7:30 pm concert at 8 pm) Where: 2 Jade Place  WINNIPEG (Southdale neighbourhood) Tickets: $25.Call Garth Duncan at 470-7487. Proceeds will support…

The persecution of Omar Khadr

America and Obama Hit Bottom: Pressuring Child Soldier to Plead Guilty to Murder Violates International Law and Basic Common Decency By Dave Lindorff, Oct. 25, 2010 As the author of The Case for Impeachment (St. Martin’s Press, 2006), I never…

War monger in charge of Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel’s Pro-Military Agenda and the Future World Order By Yoichi Shimatsu, New America Media, Oct. 18, 2010 In its most recent selections of peace laureates Barack Obama and Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has been pushing the strategic…

War crimes are war crimes

A boy wounded in Gaza City is taken to hospital during Israel’ “Operation Cast Lead” attack on Gaza. Photo: Israel is relieved not to be the only war criminal The voice of joy, the voice of rejoicing is heard…