Author: admin

Gov’t attacks U.S. peace movement

FBI Raids Activists’ Homes in Sinister COINTELPRO Replay By Tom Burghardt, Global Research, Sept. 27, 2010 In a replay of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s infamous COINTELPRO operations targeting the left during the 1960s and ’70s, America’s political police launched…

Peace Alliance Winnipeg Monthly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Place: Project Peacemakers Office, 2nd floor-745 Westminster Avenue, Winnipeg (Westminster Avenue and Maryland Street) Please note the new location, generously provided by our friends in Project Peacemakers. Don’t forget…

War in cyberspace

Obama’s Internet Wiretap Move: Just One Small Facet Of Total Domination Project by Steve Watson,, September 27, 2010 The Obama administration is drafting legislation that will see all internet providers and other online communication services, including email clients and…

Keep Space for Peace Week – Oct 2-9

Each fall the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space organizes Keep Space for Peace Week: International Days of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space. These events are intended to help educate the public about the need…

Use of child soldiers in Somalia increases

AlJazeeraEnglish | September 25, 2010 The use of child soldiers in Somalia is on the rise as fighting in the country continues to worsen. While international pressure has forced the Interim Government to abandon the use of child soldiers, the…