Author: admin

Canada’s complicity in Iraq war

Hostile takeover: Canada’s outsourced war for Iraq’s oil riches By Anthony Fenton, This Magazine, October 2009 issue In March 2008, when the invasion of Iraq by George W. Bush’s “coalition of the willing” marked its fifth anniversary, Canadian media outlets…

Iranian nukes a time-tested boogie man

How to Keep Iran in Check Without War by Gary Sick, The Daily Beast, Sept. 27, 2009 President Eisenhower once remarked to his peripatetic Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, “Don’t do something, Foster, just stand there.” From all evidence,…

The real nuclear threat

Iran, nukes and imperial hypocrisy by Paul S. Graham, Sept. 26, 2009 Dale Cummings’ cartoon (left) in today’s Winnipeg Free Press, illustrates the fear-mongering hypocrisy surrounding Iran’s nuclear enrichment program that is being propagated by news media and governments world-wide.…

Blood Minerals – the war in Congo

Making mobile phones uses minerals only available from Congo’s war zone. Is our appetite for the latest electronic gadgets fuelling exploitation in the Congo even threatening the survival of central Africas magnificent gorillas? On the inside of many devices like…

The ghosts of Vietnam haunt Washington

by Eric Margolis, Sept. 22, 2009 As this column predicted a month ago, Afghanistan’s much ballyhooed recent election staged by its foreign occupiers turned out to be a fraud wrapped up in a farce. The election was as phony and…