Category: Campaigns

Oppose secret trials in Canada

By Sophie Lamarche Harkat Please sign the statement against Secret Trials in Canada (Security Certificates) at Security certificates allow for the detention of refugees and immigrants without charge or access to the evidence. My husband Mohamed Harkat – Moe to…

Stop the new Canadian militarism

By the Canadian Peace Alliance Stephen Harper wants to militarize Canada. Under the Conservatives, military spending has reached its highest levels since World War II. There are now plans to expand Canadian military bases around the world. And the military…

End Canada’s bombing of Libya!

By the Canadian Peace Alliance This September, the 3-month extension of Canada’s military role in Libya passed through Parliament will expire. When the NATO bombing of Libya began, Stephen Harper assured the public that the operation would drive Gaddafi from…

Winnipeg Lanterns for Peace 2011

By Paul S. Graham, Aug. 4, 2011 On Monday, August 6, 1945, at 8:15 a.m., the nuclear bomb “Little Boy” was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan by an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay. An estimated 130,000 people were killed. On…

Lanterns for Peace 2011

Location: Memorial Park, Winnipeg (by the fountain) Every August 6, citizens in thousands of communities around the world commemorate the 1945 nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and rededicate themselves to the cause of peace and disarmament. In Winnipeg, a…

Support the Canadian Boat to Gaza

By Canadian Boat to Gaza, July 1, 2011 CALL TO ACTION Israel’s Blockade has reached the shores of Europe We Will Not Let Israel Control Gaza or International Water The Canadian Boat to Gaza, ‘The Tahrir’, is being prevented by…

Canadian Boat to Gaza threatened

Canadian Boat to Gaza’s vessel, the Tahir, is one of several ships attempting peacefully to end Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza. Tahir is a part of Freedom Flotilla II, sponsored by groups from Belgium, Denmark, Australia, United States, France, Spain,…

Freedom Flotilla to sail soon

Athens, June 23, 2011 — The international “Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human” is ready to sail within the next few days to Gaza expressing its solidarity in action with the Palestinian people. The international “Freedom Flotilla II – Stay…

Canadian delegation takes Abdelrazik case to the UN

By Project Fly-Home On June 16th, 2011, a seven-person delegation, acting in solidarity with Abousfian Abdelrazik, met with a representative of the German Mission to the United Nations (Germany currently chairs the 1267-Committee) and representatives of the 1267 Monitoring Team.…