Category: Campaigns

“Let Them Stay” Week – January 19-26

January is a critical month for U.S. war resisters living in Canada. Canadians have made it clear through polls, vigils, letters, petitions, rallies, and many other means, that they want American soldiers who refuse to participate in the Iraq war…

CANSEC: Making a Killing on War

By Richard Sanders, coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) Please join us in exposing and opposing Canada’s largest arms exhibition, CANSEC 2009. The City of Ottawa has now agreed to host this international weapons show at the municipality’s…

Conscience Canada

[youtube -Vl3YnBEgkc] As Justice Thomas Berger has observed, In Canada the conscription of ordinary citizens has become irrelevant to the maintenance of the armies of modern technological societies. It is the citizen’s resources that the government now conscripts. For more…