Omar Khadr has been detained without trial in Guantanamo Bay since he captured by the U.S. military in Afghanistan in 2002. At the time of his capture he was 15 years old. Omar Khadr is the youngest detainee and the…
Category: Canadian News
National Day of Action for Iraq War Resisters: July 10, 2008
[youtube XSYn3BnTx7E] The War Resisters Support Campaign has called for another National Day of Action for Iraq War Resisters. If you haven’t done so, please call Minister Diane Finley and insist that she: stop deportation proceedings against Corey Glass and…
Good news for US war resisters in Canada
U.S. deserter wins appeal in battle for refugee status Janice Tibbetts, Canwest News Service Published: Friday, July 04, 2008 OTTAWA – A Canadian court has sided for the first time with a military deserter who fled to Canada seeking refugee…
Poll: Most Canadians support U.S. War Resisters
Angus Reid Poll: Most Canadians Would Grant Permanent Residence to U.S. Military Deserters A majority of Canadians would agree with the decision to let American military deserters stay in Canada as permanent residents, a new Angus Reid Strategies survey reveals.…
Omar Khadr’s interrogators at Guantanamo broke human rights laws
Omar Khadr at age 14 by The Canadian Press Winnipeg Free Press, June 26, 2008 EDMONTON — The U.S. military’s treatment of a Canadian teen detained at Guantanamo Bay violated international laws against torture, the Federal Court has ruled. Judge…
Pipeline opens new front in Afghan war
Canadian role in Kandahar may heat up as allies agree on U.S.-backed energy route through land-mine zones and Taliban hot spots SHAWN MCCARTHY From Thursday’s Globe and Mail June 19, 2008 at 2:30 AM EDT OTTAWA — Afghanistan and three…
2008 Walk for Peace to Oppose Canada’s role in Afghanistan and support American War Resisters in Canada
(Winnipeg, June 11, 2008) Winnipeg’s annual Walk for Peace will be held on Saturday, June 14, 2008. The Walk will oppose the continuing Canadian involvement in Afghanistan and the increasing tendency of Canadian governments to support such unjust wars. Additionally,…
Peace Alliance Winnipeg Supports American War Resisters
(Winnipeg, June 8, 2008) Peace Alliance Winnipeg (PAW) joins with the majority of Canadians in urging the Government of Canada to allow conscientious objectors to the war in Iraq to remain in Canada. Moreover, PAW demands that the federal government…
Reinstate Malalai Joya
On May 21, there will be an international day of action in support of suspended Afghan MP Malalai Joya. Joya was suspended from the Afghan Parliament May 21, 2007 for three years. Her crime: speaking out about the record of…
March 13 vote to continue Canada’s military role “a shameful betrayal”
Winnipeggers to join in international protest against wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (Winnipeg – March 13, 2008) Today’s Conservative and Liberal Party decision to extend Canadian military action in Afghanistan to the end of 2011 is in clear defiance of…