Category: Manitoba

Idle No More: A Panel Discussion

If your only source of information is the mainstream news media you can be forgiven for wondering what the Idle No More movement is all about. Since it burst on the scene late last year, media attention has darted from…

War with Iran: Myths & Facts

by the Canadian Peace Alliance Almost ten years after the start of the Iraq War, we face the threat of another war. This time, the target is Iran. And the process that led to war nearly a decade ago is…

Stop the deportation of Kim Rivera

by Peace Alliance Winnipeg During the Vietnam war, tens of thousands of American conscientious objectors sought refuge in Canada to avoid taking part in a war they could not, in conscience, support. While the Canadian government was slow to respond…

Canada to Iran: Diplomacy Revoked

On Friday, Canada closed its embassy in Tehran and put Iran on a list of “states that support terrorism.” This is consistent with all of the inflammatory rhetoric on Iran put forth by the Canadian government, especially since the 2011…

Winnipeg CHALK 4 Peace 2012

by Paul S. Graham The underlying premise of CHALK 4 Peace might best be summed up in a statement attributed to Mahatma Gandhi in 1937: “There is no way to peace; peace is the way.” CHALK 4 Peace is an…