redriverpete | 08 August 2010 Aug. 6, 2010: Member of Parliament Bill Siksay was the keynote speaker at Winnipeg’s annual Lantern Ceremony, held to commemorate the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. His topic: a private member’s bill before the…
Category: Manitoba
For a federal Department of Peace
Bill Siksay, MP (Burnaby-Douglas) will be the keynote speaker at Winnipeg’s annual Lanterns for Peace Ceremony. His topic: a private members Bill (C-447) which calles for the establishment of a federal Deaprtment of Peace. This bill passed First Reading in…
Winnipeg Walk for Peace 2010
Saturday’s Annual Winnipeg Walk for Peace, attended by about 150 people, had a festive air that belied the seriousness of the issues that motivated the marchers. The video will give you a sense of the sights and sounds of this…
C-11 threatens war resisters and other refugees from “safe countries”
In for the long haul – Five years after fleeing to Canada, American war resister Joshua Key is still fighting for refugee status Marlo Campbell, Uptown Magazine Online, April 15, 2010 Two dozen people gathered outside the Fort Garry Hotel…
Reel Green Film Festival
Manitoba Eco-Network is proud to host Winnipeg’s first environmental film festival. Join us for powerful and beautiful films that highlight the perils and the hope for our Earth. Friday March 12, 2010 7 – 10 pm Film Premiere “No Impact…
Call for Proposals: 8th Annual Conference of the Peace and Justice Studies Association
CALL FOR PROPOSALS – Building Bridges, Crossing Borders: Gender, Identity, and Security in the Search for Peace The 8th Annual Conference of the Peace and Justice Studies Association October 1-2, 2010 Menno Simons College and the Global College Winnipeg, Manitoba,…
By Canada Haiti Action Network, Jan. 14, 2010 Two days ago at 5 p.m. local time, a powerful magnitude-7 earthquake struck in Haiti. It was centred near the capital city Port-au-Prince and has caused massive destruction. The Canada Haiti Action…
Winnipeggers remember the Israeli invasion of Gaza
On December 27, the Canadian Palestine Support Network, the Peace Alliance Winnipeg and Independent Jewish Voices organized a vigil at the Legislature to mark the one year anniversary of Israel’s murderous assault against the besieged people of Gaza. There were…
Video: Malalai Joya’s Nov. 2009 Winnipeg visit
Malalai Joya visited Winnipeg on November 16 and 17 as part of her 2009 cross-country tour to convince Canadians to press for the withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan. This feisty woman packed the house at the University of Winnipeg…
Malalai Joya packs the house in Winnipeg
Malalai Joya speaking at Convocation Hall, Univeristy of Winnipeg, Nov. 16, 2009. Photo: Glenn Michalchuk Malalai Joya spoke to a pack house of in Winnipeg last night at the University of Winnipeg. Three hundred people jammed into Convocation Hall to…