Peace Alliance Winnipeg Chairperson Glenn Michalchuk says it’s been a busy, productive year for PAW. Reporting to PAW’s annual meeting, Nov. 16, Michalchuk highlighted an increased organizational capacity and profile that he attributed to a revamped email newsletter and a…
Category: Manitoba
Oct. 18 – Winnipeggers oppose the war in Afghanistan
Oct. 18, 2008. Winnipeggers march against Canada’s war in Afghanistan. Photo: Paul Graham Winnipeggers joined thousands of Canadians across the country in a day of protest against Canada’s war in Afghanistan, Oct. 18. The Winnipeg action began with a rally…
Kildonan-St. Paul All Candidates Forum: Anti-war candidates applauded
Peace Alliance Winnipeg joined with the Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba, the University Women’s Club of Winnipeg and the Council of Women to host an all-candidates forum in the constituency of Kildonan St-Paul. The candidates in the riding are…
Peace activists occupy Tory candidate’s office to protest planned deportation of American Iraq war resister Jeremy Hinzman and his family
Peace activists occupy Tory election campaign office in Winnipeg, Sept. 20, 2008 to focus attention on deportation of American war resister Jeremy Hinzman. Photo: Paul Graham (Winnipeg, Sept. 20, 2008) Anti-war activists peacefully occupied the campaign office of federal Conservative…
Winnipeggers rally in support of war resisters
War resister Phil McDowell speaking with some of the 80 people who attended the Memorial Park rally in support of American war resisters in Winnipeg, September 13, 2008. About 80 people rallied in Winnipeg’s Memorial Park today in support of…
Winnipeggers to rally against the deportation of U.S. war resister Jeremy Hinzman, Sept. 13
Rally: Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008, 1:00 PM at Memorial Park (Memorial Blvd. and Broadway Avenue); Speakers: Phil McDowell, Howard Davidson, Don Marks Forum: Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008, 1:30 PM at Broadway Disciples United Church, 396 Broadway Avenue; Speaker: Phil McDowell,…
Debating Doer’s support for Red Shirts and Yellow Ribbons
In response to Peace Alliance Winnipeg’s Open Letter to Gary Doer on Afghanistan, CBC’s Radio Noon, just moments ago, interviewed PAW’s Chair, Glen Michalchuk after having interviewed an organizer of the Red Shirt Rally at the Manitoba Legislature, Mike Legace.…
Open Letter to Gary Doer: Stop supporting the war in Afghanistan
Dear Premier Doer, We write to ask you to remove the “Yellow Ribbon Garden” from the grounds of the Manitoba Legislature and to refrain from lending provincial support to the “Red Shirt Rally” planned for August 15, 2008 on the…
Lanterns for Peace 2008
About 80 people participated in Winnipeg’s annual Lanterns for Peace commemoration of the 1945 U.S. nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The event was organized by Project Peacemakers, the National Association of Japanese Canadians and Peace Alliance Winnipeg. Here are…
July 10th Vigil at the Manitoba Legislature
About 15 Winnipeg peace activists assembled at the Manitoba Legislature in Winnipeg, July 10, to show solidarity with American soldiers who have fled to Canada rather than participate in the ongoing war crime being perpetrated by the United States in…