Category: Manitoba

Make Peace an Election Issue

by Paul S. Graham Picking fights with Russia and China, backing fascists in Ukraine, arming murderers in Saudi Arabia, undermining democracy in Latin America — the Trudeau junta has a lot to answer for in the foreign policy realm. Trudeau…

Canada must act for peace, not war

  Statement of Peace Alliance Winnipeg June 22, 2019 38th Walk for Peace The world is reaching a tipping point in terms of the growing danger of major conflict between the world’s main economic and military powers. It is as…

Trudeau & Trump: #HandsOffVenezuela

Jan. 26, 2019: Members of the Venezuela Peace Committee and Peace Alliance Winnipeg rallied in Winnipeg outside the building the houses the United States Consulate to protest the actions taken by the Canadian and US governments to destabilize Venezuela.

Why we march for peace

by Peace Alliance Winnipeg Since 1981, Winnipeggers have taken to the streets in June for an annual Walk for Peace. In those early years, the motive was fear of nuclear annihilation and thousands participated in these yearly events. In recent…

Happy Holidays from Peace Alliance Winnipeg

Throughout 2017, Peace Alliance Winnipeg worked with many organizations in our community to highlight the cause of peace and human rights. We have worked with our partners to bring activists and scholars from across Canada and around the world to…