Category: Opinions and Debates

Professional sports and militarism in Canada

Professional sports and militarism: Tyler Shipley By Riaz Sayani-Mulji and Ryan Sparrow,, January 5, 2012 On this week’s episode of Progressive Voices, we speak with musician, freelance journalist, and political activist Tyler Shipley on the militarization of the NHL…

The end of American Democracy

THE INAUGURATION OF POLICE STATE USA 2012: Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act” By Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Jan. 1, 2012 With minimal media debate, at a time when Americans were celebrating the New Year with their loved ones,…

US threatens China & Russia

Obama Raises the Military Stakes: Confrontation on the Borders with China and Russia By Professor James Petras, Global Research, December 10, 2011 After suffering major military and political defeats in bloody ground wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, failing to buttress…

Fox News North attacks

Fox News North – your national, pro-war TV Network By Murray Dobbin, December 5, 2011 You will no doubt recall the controversy surrounding the efforts of Quebec billionaire Pierre Peladeau to get a prized licence for his Sun News TV…

Marching to war with Iran

THE CLOCK IS TICKING: “Shadow War” Heating Up. War With Iran: A Provocation Away? by Tom Burghardt, Global Research, Dec. 5, 2011 Amid conflicting reports that a huge explosion at Iran’s uranium conversion facility in Isfahan occurred last week, speculation…

Libyan slaughter – a warning to Africa

If the Libyan war was about saving lives, it was a catastrophic failure NATO claimed it would protect civilians in Libya, but delivered far more killing. It’s a warning to the Arab world and Africa By Seumas Milne, The Guardian,…

Canadian vets Occupy on Remembrance Day

By Elizabeth Littlejohn,, Nov. 17, 2011   I have seen the best and worst of humanity. I’ve seen countries that no longer exist. I have seen war, ethnic cleansing, and real revolution. I have seen the death and destruction…