Location: Project Peacemakers Office, 2nd Floor, Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Avenue (2nd entrance west of Maryland St.) Peace Alliance Winnipeg meets monthly to plan our activities. Everyone is welcome.
Category: Upcoming Events
Posts about coming events
Winnipeg Radical Bookfair & DIY Fest
Location: 91 Albert Street, Winnipeg There will be a radical bookfair and DIY fest held in Winnipeg on September 23-25, 2011. All are welcome! Buy and sell books and zines, attend and put on workshops, table with cool…
Amira Hass: Palestine / Israel: Fear of the Future
Haiti and the Politics of Recovery
Report of a 2011 Delegation to Haiti Location: Mondragon Café, 91 Albert Street, Winnipeg, MB Speakers: Roger Annis, Canada Haiti Action Network and delegation director and Sandy Gessler, Winnipeg Haiti Solidarity Group and UM Faculty of Nursing Recovery from the…
Peace Alliance Winnipeg Monthly Meeting
Location: Project Peacemakers Office, 2nd Floor, Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Avenue (2nd entrance west of Maryland St.) Peace Alliance Winnipeg meets monthly to plan our activities. Everyone is welcome.
Vigil for Harvey Sanderson
Location: Manitoba Legislative Building You are invited to a vigil in memory of Harvey Sanderson and persons with disabilities who are victims of violence. More information: Manitoba League for Persons with Disabilities, 943-6099
Winnipeg Chalk 4 Peace 2011
Location: Vimy Ridge Park Rain Date: September 11, 2011 Free performances throughout the day from a variety of local acts. Musicians Bands start @ 2:00pm. Drum jam @ 6:00pm. JohNNy SiZZle Bobby Stahr Johnny Broadway (more TBA) “Chalk4Peace” is a…
Lanterns for Peace 2011
Location: Memorial Park, Winnipeg (by the fountain) Every August 6, citizens in thousands of communities around the world commemorate the 1945 nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and rededicate themselves to the cause of peace and disarmament. In Winnipeg, a…
Book Tour – Stop Signs: Cars and Capitalism on the Road to Economic, Social and Ecological Decay
Location: Mondragon Books, 91 Albert Street Discussion with co-author Yves Engler In North America, human beings have become enthralled by the automobile: A quarter of our working lives are spent paying for them; communities fight each other for the right…
Book Tour- Stop Signs: Cars and Capitalism on the Road to Economic, Social and Ecological Decay
Location: Manitoba Eco-Centre 3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave (Take elevator from Mountain Equipment Co-op) Discussion with co-author Yves Engler In North America, human beings have become enthralled by the automobile: A quarter of our working lives are spent paying for…