The wounds of war: physical, psychological injuries legacy of Afghan battle By Dene Moore, The Canadian Press, July 3, 2010 Master Cpl. Jody Mitic VANCOUVER – Master Cpl. Jody Mitic was a sniper on patrol with his unit in Kandahar…
UK anti-war activists face eviction
Al Jazeera English, July 02, 2010 Peace demonstrators who have been camping outside the British parliament since May are facing forced eviction on Friday. A court ruled they are damaging the famous square outside the building, but the activists have…
Is war with Iran imminent?
corbettreport June 29, 2010 (10 minutes): Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Treasury Secretary and Wall Street Journal comments on the recent US sanctions on Iran and the likelihood of a strike on Iran by the US and/or Israel.
Lessons from Afghan history
Why the Taliban is winning in Afghanistan By William Dalrymple, New Statesman, June 22, 2010 As Washington and London struggle to prop up a puppet government over which Hamid Karzai has no control, they risk repeating the blood-soaked 19th-century history…
Inside the Taliban
AlJazeeraEnglish, June 24, 2010 (22 minutes): What kind of Afghanistan does the Taliban want and is their vision for the nation one that is sustainable?
Peace Alliance Winnipeg House Concert
Peace Alliance Winnipeg Summer House Concert A fund raiser for the Peace Alliance Winnipeg with music by “7th image”. Their repertoire of sounds includes a mix of Blues, R&B and World Beat. Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010 Time: Doors at…