Iraq War Vet: “We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us” Dahr Jamail, Truthout, April 7, 2010 On Monday, April 5, posted video footage from Iraq, taken from a US military Apache…
Canadian Peace Alliance News
Here are some news items compiled by the Canadian Peace Alliance. To get on the CPA mailing list, go to After 2011 – Why Canada Needs to Leave Afghanistan Canadian Peace Alliance March 31, 2010 At the G8 Foreign…
Oppose Project Hero and the glorification of war
The “Project Hero” Scolarship Program Take Action – Sign the Petition – Send a letter of Support By the Canadian Peace Alliance, April 7, 2010 A group of Professors the University of Regina have drafted a letter to object to…
Project Hero = pro-war propaganda
Regina 16 say common folk won freedoms By John F. Conway, The Calgary Herald, April 6, 2010 The 16 University of Regina academics who signed the letter protesting the university’s participation in the Project Hero Scholarship program were clear in…
Israel knows apartheid has no future
By Mustafa Barghouthi, Ma’an News Agency, April 6, 2010 After decades of military rule over Palestinians and theft of our land, Israeli leaders are increasingly seeing the writing on the wall. They are at least acknowledging reality, if not yet…
Murder from above
On April 5, 2010 WikiLeaks released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate murder of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad — including two Reuters news staff. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter…