“Localizing Peace: Religious and Cultural Dimensions of Sustainable Peacebuilding” With Dr. Nathan C. Funk, Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Father Jensen Theatre, St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba Free…
Aboriginal Nations Benefit Concert for Haiti
MMF President David Chartrand, along with MKO Grand Chief David Harper, SCO Grand Chief Morris Swan Shannacappo, AMC Grand Chief Ron Evans, NCI FM and APTN National News will host the Aboriginal Nations for Haitians Benefit Concert to raise much-needed…
War poisoned Iraq
Iraq littered with high levels of nuclear and dioxin contamination, study finds • Greater rates of cancer and birth defects near sites • Depleted uranium among poisons revealed in report By Martin Chulov, The Guardian, Jan. 22, 2010 Map: Toxic…
Canada-Haiti Action petition to demilitarize aid to Haiti
Paratroopers from the U.S. 82nd Airborne division arrived in at least four choppers to secure the executive mansion in Port-au-Prince. Photo: Reuters. The Canada Haiti Action Network, working alongside colleagues in the UK and the United States, has launched a…
U.S.-China Military Tensions Grow
by Rick Rozoff, Global Research, Jan. 20, 2010 Even though the U.S. military budget is almost ten times that of China’s (with a population more than four times as large) and Washington plans a record $708 billion defense budget for…
Gaza – The Cost of War
By Al Jazeera English, Jan. 20, 2010 The Cost of War examines the longer term legacy of Israel’s war on Gaza. By following characters associated with buildings that were targeted in the war, the film explores the humanitarian and economic…