By Laura K, we move to canada, July 10, 2009 Those of us who actively oppose the policies of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Government may sometimes feel government officials are impervious to our criticisms. Those of us who write and call…
Afghanistan War Resister to “Put the War on Trial”
by Dahr Jamail, Truthout, July 14, 2009 US Army Specialist Victor Agosto served a 13-month deployment in Iraq with the 57th Expeditionary Signal Battalion. “What I did there, I know I contributed to death and human suffering,” Agosto told Truthout…
Afghanistan, Canada and the challenges facing the anti-war movement
By James Clark,, July 14, 2009 In just a few months, anti-war activists will mark the eighth anniversary of the launch of the U.S.-led “war on terror,” and the movement that emerged to counter it. Since 2001, Canada’s anti-war…
UK revokes selected Israeli arms licenses
U.K.: We revoked Israel arms licenses, but it’s no embargo By Barak Ravid, Haaretz, July 13, 2009 The British Embassy in Tel Aviv confirmed Monday that the United Kingdom has revoked a number of arms export licenses to Israel following…
After the Honduran Coup
Latin America Asks: Are the Gorillas Back? by John Ross, Counterpunch, July 12, 2009 The June 28th coup d’etat in Honduras that toppled leftist president Mel Zelaya sends us back to the bad old days of the “gorillas” – generals…
NATO’s War Plans For The High North
NATO Secretary General Scheffer (L) and Iceland’s outgoing Prime Minister Haarde (R) attend seminar on security prospects in high north in Reykjavik Photo: REUTERS by Rick Rozoff, Global Research, June 14, 2009 Since the beginning of the year the United…