Join local, national and international practitioners and students of peace, justice and development at the first annual Canadian School of Peacebuilding to be held at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) in Winnipeg, MB, June 29 to July 10, 2009. Two 5-day…
Gordon MacDermid
Sept. 13, 2008: Gordon MacDermid at a demonstration in support of war resisters in Winnipeg’s Vimy Ridge Park. Photo: Paul Graham With the passing of Rev. Dr. Gordon MacDermid on Tuesday, March 3, the peace movement has lost a stalwart,…
Steps to Hope – Diversity and Respect for Work and Life
A luncheon learning event on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Stephen Hammond: An author and educator in the field of workplace and community human rights, Stephen has rescued organizations from human rights disasters and enhanced businesses…
“Martin Luther King, Jr. and Barack Obama’s Other Ancestors”
Dr. Vincent Harding, the well known American civil rights activist, historian, friend, speech writer, and biographer of Matin Luther King, Jr. will be speaking the progress of civil rights over the course of the last five turbulent decades in a…
A warm Calgary welcome planned for George W. Bush
Former U.S. President George W. Bush is coming to Calgary to speak to the Rotary Club on March 17th on sixth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Peace and human rights activists are preparing to give him a welcome appropriate…
‘War’ mentality erodes rights, report says
by Colin Freeze, Globe and Mail, Feb. 25, 2009 Canada is among the countries that have succumbed to a war-on-terror mentality that has infected too many states, a roving panel of judges has found. Calling upon the world to dispense…