Panel Discussion: Idle No More

Location: Carol Shields Auditorium, Millennium Library, Donald Street and Graham Ave The Idle No Movement has changed this country. It has shaken the political establishment and challenged Canadians to look at Canada with a new vision. Project Peacemakers and Peace…

Panel Discussion: Idle No More

Location: Carol Shields Auditorium in the Millennium Library, Graham Avenue & Donald Street The Idle No Movement has changed this country. It has shaken the political establishment and challenged Canadians to look at Canada with a new vision. Project Peacemakers…

Sodastream Information Picket

Location: The Bay (Vaughn Street & Portage Avenue) Sodastream is a major target of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement due to their presence in the Occupied Territory; you can find out more information about the company here. WCAIA has…