Where: Manitoba Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, Winnipeg THIS IS A NATION-WIDE EVENT. Other cities across Canada will be having peaceful rallies on this day. Please come and show your support! Please come and join the peaceful rally in at the…
Afghan Government cracks down on women’s shelters
By RAWA News, Feb. 21, 2011 The Italian women’s organization, CISDA – Coordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afghane – denounces the draft regulation promoted by the Council of Ministers in January 2011, whose adoption allows the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA)…
NATO’s expansion plans
Africa: Global NATO Seeks To Recruit 50 New Military Partners by Rick Rozoff, Global Research, Feb. 21, 2011 A recent article in Kenya’s Africa Review cited sources in the African Union (AU) disclosing that the 28-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization…
F-35 Stealth Fighter: A bad deal for Canada
By Michael Bueckert, Program Coordinator, Project Peacemakers As you may know, this past July, the Conservative government announced what could be the single largest military procurement in Canada’s history when it declared its intention to buy 65 F-35 Lightning II…
2010: Peace Alliance Winnipeg Year in Review
By Glenn Michalchuk, Chair, Peace Alliance Winnipeg The year 2010 was a challenging one for peace activists around the world. Locally, Peace Alliance Winnipeg was active on a number of priorities including opposition to the ongoing wars and occupations in…
Protest in support of Libya
Location: Manitoba Legislature Sponsors: Bushra Ali Mohamed, Asyaa Mohamed More info: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=202770683071267 I WOULD LIKE TO ORGANIZE A RALLY TO BRING AWARENESS AND INSHALLAH GET MEDIA ATTENTION TO HELP LIBYA! IT SEEMS LIKE NO ONE REALLY CARES/DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT…