By Sophie Lamarche What was expected to be the end of a long nightmare and a great end to 2010 turned out to be a disaster. We can’t really put 2010 behind us because our battle continues. On Dec.…
Location: Manitoba Legislature This is a day of solidarity with the Libyan people. The organizers are calling out to governments worldwide to recognize the Libyan plight and ACT!!!! -The recognition of the Libyan Transitional National Council as the de facto…
Location: Faculty of Medicine (enter through Brodie Center), 727 McDermott Ave, Theatre B With: Donna Barry, Director of Advocacy and Policy for Partners in Health Sponsors: U of M Faculty of Medicine and Winnipeg-Haiti Solidarity Group Admission: Free Donna Barry…
Location: University of Manitoba, Multi-Purpose Room, University Center, 2nd Floor Speaker: Donna Barry, Director of Advocacy and Policy for Partners in Health Sponsors: U of M Faculty of Medicine; U of M Faculty of Nursing; U of M Students Union;…
Location: University of Winnipeg, Room 1L04 (first door to your right from the Ellice entrance). Admission: Free Speakers from the Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners and the Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group of Manitoba will discuss torture, political killings and…
Book Launch: “Create Space For Peace: Forty Years of Peacemaking” Gene Stoltzfus (1940-2010) Location: Crossways in Common, 222 Furby at Broadway, Winnipeg. Gene Stoltzfus was the founding director of Christian Peacemaker Teams whose vision for engagement in violence reduction in…
St. Paul’s College University Affiliation Lecture Featuring Rev. Dr. Johnston McMaster from Trinity College Dublin Lecture: Recovering an Abrahamic Peace Ethic for a Threatened Planet: The 21st Century Global Imperative Location: Father Jensen Theatre, 100 St. Paul’s College, 70 Dysart…
Locations: University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg More information: A schedule of events can be found here. Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe. The aim of…
Where: Project Peacemakers Office, 2nd floor, 756 Westminster Avenue, Winnipeg All are welcome.
Where: Manitoba Legislature Sponsor: Students for a Free Tibet Canada Please bring flags, placards and candles. Background: March 10, 1959 is the day in which the Tibetan people rose up against their Chinese oppressors who for so many years and…