NATO’s expansion plans

Africa: Global NATO Seeks To Recruit 50 New Military Partners by Rick Rozoff, Global Research, Feb. 21, 2011 A recent article in Kenya’s Africa Review cited sources in the African Union (AU) disclosing that the 28-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization…

From sea to shining sea

America Threatens Russia: U.S. Consolidates New Military Outposts In Eastern Europe Bases, troops and missiles along the entire length of Eastern Europe from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean by Rick Rozoff, Global Research, Sept. 24, 2010 With NATO as…

Germany And NATO’s Nuclear Nexus

By Rick Rozoff, Global Research, July 19, 2009 The reunification of Germany and the start of NATO’s post-Cold War expansion, drive east and beginning of its transformation into a global military force occurred on the same day, October 3, 1990.…

NATO’s War Plans For The High North

NATO Secretary General Scheffer (L) and Iceland’s outgoing Prime Minister Haarde (R) attend seminar on security prospects in high north in Reykjavik Photo: REUTERS by Rick Rozoff, Global Research, June 14, 2009 Since the beginning of the year the United…

Should Canada leave NATO?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization turned 60 on April 4, 2009. The official story is that NATO was formed in the aftermath of World War 2 to defend western Europe against the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. With the…

NATO at 60

Statement by the Canadian Peace Alliance On April 4th 2009, NATO will celebrate its 60th anniversary with a summit meeting in Strasbourg, France. NATO has emerged as a broad military alliance that integrates the foreign policy and decision making of…

Peace Activists close NATO Headquarters

by NATO Game Over Action Report, Bombspotting, Mar. 22, 2009 From all over Belgium, by bus, bike, taxi, public transport and even by walking, hundreds of activists came to NATO’s headquarters in Evere, Brussels. They tried non-violently to enter the…