The US and its allies have held Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercises since 1971. The initial partners of this military project were Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, which are also the original members…
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by John Ryan I was fortunate enough to be in Afghanistan in November of 1978, six months after a progressive socialist government came to power. I travelled from the city of Peshawar in Pakistan through the Khyber Pass to Kabul.…
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What is the world significance of the US defeat in Afghanistan? What are the prospects for peace and development there? What role could China, Russia and Iran have in Afghanistan’s reconstruction? How has Western hypocrisy over human and women’s rights…
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by Paul S. Graham The lack of any discussion of Canadian foreign policy during this election is shocking and shameful — almost as shameful as Canada’s foreign policy itself. Take the case of Venezuela. For the past two decades the…
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by Ed Lehman, President, Regina Peace Council The murders of Iranian General Soleimani and others at Baghdad International Airport on Jan. 3 is an act of war against Iraq and Iran. This action by the U.S. violates the UN Charter…
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by Peace Alliance Winnipeg The US action to engage in the political assassinations of Iranian General and leading political figure Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis along with their bodyguards is a grave provocation against the people…
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By Paul S. Graham Mainstream media and government sources in Canada and the United States have provided an extremely unbalanced picture of Venezuela, portraying it as a dictatorship when in fact the governing party has won re-election consistently over the…
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Just hours before the United States launched missile attacks on Damascus and Homs, Winnipeg peace activists rallied outside the building housing the US Consulate to speak out against the war and Trump’s declared plan to expand it. The picket was…
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The United Nations partition plan of 1947, which drew the boundaries for the two States of Palestine and Israel, recognized the international nature of the City of Jerusalem, and called for it to be administered by the United Nations Trusteeship…
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by Bruce Gagnon The publication called Business Insider is carrying a story promoting a US first-strike attack on North Korea. The article includes a quote from the Wall Street Journal that reads, “An internal White House review of strategy on…
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